Thursday, October 03, 2013

14. Lose 30 pounds - completed

When I initially made my very 1st 101 List, I didn't have as much weight to lose. So my weight loss goals are smaller than they should be. Even when I lose my next 20lbs, I'll still be 20lbs away from my goal. But 30lbs is a huge deal. I am so proud of myself! I wish I had some progress photos, but sadly I do not.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Monthly 101 List Progress

"The Guardian's 1000 films to see before you die" List
and the "AFI - 100 Years...400 Movies (2007)" List

*Barton Fink (1991) - 09.01.13
*The Big Parade (1925) - 09.02.13
*Nanook of the North (1922) - 09.14.13
*Way Down East (1920) - 09.19.13
*The Lodger (1927) - 09.22.13
*La Jette (1962) - 09.24.13

Hey! I'm finally at 60% on the Guardian list.
I have some movies coming up on TCM soon,
so I know I'll be able to knock a few more movies off the list in October.

I also finished another Stephen King book, Joyland
I really liked this book. I'm going to reread The Shining before reading Doctor Sleep.
I also need to reread The Talisman before I can read the sequel The Black House.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Monthly 101 List Progress

"The Guardian's 1000 films to see before you die" List
and the "AFI - 100 Years...400 Movies (2007)" List

*Once Upon a Time in America (1984) - 08.04.13
*Funny Games (1997) – 08.09.13
*Con Air (1997) - 08.14.13
*The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) - 08.17.13
*Belle de Jour (1967) - 08.23.13

I didn't watch as many movies from my lists this month as I did last month.
Partly because I watched several non-list movies.
But also because I binge watched a few television series.
I'm still only at 59% on the Guardian list.
It is a list of 1000 films, so it will take some to complete.
If I can ever complete it, seeing that some of the films that are listed I can't get my hands on.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Monthly 101 List Progress Report - for the last 7 months!

Again, I've been slacking on updating my progress with these lists:
"The Guardian's 1000 films to see before you die" List
and the "AFI - 100 Years...400 Movies (2007)" List

*Million Dollar Baby (2004) - 03.09.13
*A Raisin In The Sun (1961) - 03.14.13
*A Man For All Seasons (1966) - 03.23.13
*Days of Wine and Roses (1962) - 03.26.13
*The Monkees: Head (1968) - 03.31.13
*Chariots of Fire (1981) - 04.07.13
*Gloria (1980) - 06.15.13
*Tirez sur le pianiste (Shoot the Piano Player) (1960) - 06.18.13
*Rocky (1976) - 07.11.13
*Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai () - 07.14.13
*Cinema Paradiso (1988) - 07.26.13
*The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) - 07.27.13
*Purple Rain (1984) - 07.31.13

Of course, I have no idea where I was percentage-wise at the beginning of the year.
But right now I am at 59%
I really slacked on my movie list watching earlier this year, but I've been doing a lot better lately.
(Mostly because I have plenty of time)

I haven't read any Jane Austen this year.
Earlier in the year, I read Stephen King's Under the Dome and The Dead Zone.
I only have 8 more King books to read and that includes a book that's not available yet.
(Doctor Sleep won't be available until next month)

Monday, February 04, 2013

86. get an iPad - Completed


I finally got my iPad! I decided on the mini instead of the regular size for a couple of reasons.
First of all the cost. Why spend more for a larger size of something I don't really need in the first place?
Plus, I know that I'll be using it mostly as an e-reader.
That and playing some games and maybe watch some Netflix.
Like I said, I don't really need an iPad. I just wanted one.

Anyway, I got the 16GB, again because it was the cheapest one.
I could've gone with the 32GB (and I probably should have) but I didn't want to wait.
I had $90 worth of Best Buy gift cards and a $10 Best Buy Rewardzone certificate.

I went through a bit of an ordeal to get it, but things finally worked out.
I was able to pick up on Saturday evening, after I got off work.

I'm in love with it already.
Even though I had access to my Dad's e-reader, it's nice to have my own.
It makes stealth reading at the pharmacy office so much easier!
Plus, I can do stuff on my iPad that I can't do on Dad's e-reader.

I've been slacking on working on my 101 List.
And updating my progress as well.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New 101 List!

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).  

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Source: triplux

1.    visit Canada
2.    go to West Virginia
3.    take a road trip alone
4.    ride in a hot air balloon
5.    go skinny dipping 
6.    go skydiving
7.    ride a jet ski
8.    go tubing
9.    go horseback riding
10.    rent a convertible for a day or weekend
11.    volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
12.    spend a whole day and go through the entire Holocaust Museum
13.    spend a day at a spa
14.    lose 30 pound - completed October 1, 2013
15.    lose another 20 pounds
16.    throw a real dinner party
17.    throw a theme party - Oktoberfest
18.    make a real budget and stick to it
19.    start a retirement fund
20.    go back to school
21.    have a movie marathon day of the Extended Editions of the Lord of the Rings
22.    label the cases for all of my burned cds
23.    refinish a table with a mosaic top
24.    put together the model cars 
25.    put together the Joan of Arc figure
26.    finish the dollhouse
27.    finish the growing up scrapbooks
28.    learn how to make jewelry
29.    learn to knit
30.    make a skirt
31.    refinish the chair I stole from the Chemistry Dept. at Maryland
32.    get back into the darkroom and start developing and printing again
33.    enter an art competition
34.    re-learn how to use Adobe Premier
35.    thin out, organize and create a record of my doll collection
36.    get my Bavarian cuckoo clock repaired
37.    get Lasik (if I'm a candidate)
38.    buy a real pair of heels and learn to wear them out in public 
39.    get knee high black boots
40.    black dress
41.    scan and upload photos from previous trips (2000, 2002)
42.    ask a guy out on a date
43.    take my father to Medieval Times
44.    get a new job
45.    go on a cruise
46.    go to South America/Africa
47.    go to the West Coast
48.    visit at least one town/city named Scarborough
49.    ride the train in PA – take Jasmine & Jade
50.    go to Monticello
51.    go to Montpelier
52.    go to the American History Museum
53.    go to the National Archives
54.    visit a historical site in each county in MD
55.    pay off my debt
56.    take a painting class
57.    send a gift basket or flowers to someone 
58.    watch the fireworks on the National Mall
59.    read all of Stephen King’s books: novels, collections of short stories & e-books
60.    read Jane Austen books
61.    get a fancy tea set (serves at least 4)
62.    get a garden gnome
63.    get a Blythe doll
64.    get a Wii
65.    get a bike
66.    finish/do all cross-stitch kits
67.    Sort & thin out all photo albums
68.    Get clear pages and redo all of Dad’s photo albums
69.    watch all the movies on the AFI 100 Years 400 Movies list (starting at 77%)
70.    watch all movies available on the Guardian’s 1000 Films to See Before You Die (starting at 49%)
71.    watch all seasons of The Wire - completed June 2012
72.    get 20 stamps in my National Parks passport
73.    try letterboxing or geocaching
74.    plant a tree at Dad’s house
75.    plant Black-Eyed Susans at Dad’s house
76.    do the Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz thing
77.    see a performance of The Nutcracker Ballet
78.    send 101 post cards through Postcrossing 
79.    make homemade bread
80.    take a photo of the same place every month & make it a calendar for the next year
81.    repair & paint the front steps
82.    front yard landscape project
83.    have my makeup done & take professional photos
84.    get a new mattress
85.    have a tea party
86.    get an iPad - completed February 2, 2013
87.    scan all negatives
88.    get windows tinted on my car
89.    get car professionally detailed
90.    power wash the house
91.    stay overnight in a castle
92.    see The Book of Mormon
93.    finish Germany 2010 scrapbooks - completed July 7, 2013
94.    make a scrapbook for high school photos
95.    go to Germany for Christmas
96.    go to the National Arboretum
97.    put away $10 for every goal completed
98.    get a Polaroid camera
99.    go to an ice hotel
100.    make a fairy garden
101.    make my next 101 list

Start Date: January 10, 2012 
Completion Date: October 7, 2014

Saturday, May 02, 2009

monthly movie review for 101 List - April 09

movies i watched for "The Guardian's 1000 films to see before you die" list
and the "AFI - 100 Years...400 Movies (2007)" list

*Alfie (1966) - 04.01.09
*The Band Wagon (1953) - 04.27.09

kinda sad. i watched several movies that weren't on the list.
they had been sitting on the DVR for months.
a couple of them were on other lists, just not these tewo.

i'm at 55% and 90% respectively. still.

as for my other movie list: James Bond Movies

*Goldfinger (1964) - 04.06.09
*Thunderball (1965) - 04.06.09
*You Only Live Twice (1967) - 04.22.09